A unique approach of human resource development within the higher education setup.


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More than 500 personality development workshops organised in past 17 years for
various youth segments.


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Generated a platform to discuss contemporary youth issues through Annual
Inter-University National Debate since last 13 years.


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Touched thousands of lives by selling more than one lakh nation building,
motivational, and spiritual books.


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Organized 16th consecutive National Conference on National Youth Day.


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60,000 manhours dedicated in Sunday Service Classes for serving the needy masses.


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Intellectual churning through weekly Study Circles since last 15 years.


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"Initiatives like VSM help students realize their inner potential, and also improve the brand value of an academic institution. "

Dr. J. Kumar
Dean College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar

"VSM was a great learning experience; it made me more sensible and responsible towards the nation. ."

Ramanuj Mishra
M.Tech IIT Kharagpur, Director, Cinque Education; VSM Alumni 1999-03

"A scientific intervention to nurture students with the Indic value system, indeed a great and touching experience to witness this process."

Dr. B. Mahadevan
Vice Chancellor, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth & Professor IIM Bangalore

"VSM is a guiding force which illuminates and shows the right path to me in my life. It nurtures and strengthens me so that I can take that path and achieve greater heights overcoming all difficulties."

Sushant Kumar
Ph.D. IISc Bangalore; VSM Alumni 2003-07

"The difference in my life is VSM."

Pranav Kumar
MBA IIM Raipur, Marketing Manager, Tata Steel Ltd, VSM Alumni 2010-14

"VSM is an avenue to manifest your true self. It gives a perspective to life and also gives strength to pursue that perspective."

Awadhesh Pathak
Analyst, Bank of America, VSM Alumni, 2000-04

"VSM is a university within a university."

Dr. Abhijit Gangopadhyay
Dean Aegis School of Business, Former Dean TISS Mumbai & IIM Indore

"VSM is a thought process that connects to the ‘rest of the world’ and beyond, by continual engagement with meaningful activities, leading us to the path of growth and integral humanism."

Anup Uniyal
M.S. Arizona State University USA, Power System Engineer, GE; VSM Alumni 2001-05

Our Impact

Come, connect, carry the vibes of purity, positivity, patience and perseverance. It is worth experiencing, The VSM Impulses.

VSM is a life-revolutionizing systematic approach which has generated strong positivity in thousands of young lives till date. Guaranteed sustained and permanent change in over-all outlook of life with scientifically designed soft skill interventions.

For Youth Empowerment

Regular Sunday Service Classes since 1999 serving needy youngsters of weaker segments of society by free coaching of science, maths and languages.Mobilizedhundreds of talented University-students to selflessly mentor deprived youngsters, dedicating more than one lakh man hours for this noble cause in last nineteen years.

For Social Sensitivity

Spiritual, ethical and moral mentoring of thousands of University-students, studying in leading institutions across the country for last nineteen years through scientifically-designed workshops to provide focus and purposefulness in youngsters to lead responsible and addiction-free life. Proudly own thousands of such success stories of brilliant students, leading a worthful, joyful, and satisfied life.

For Spiritual Awakening

Equipped thousands of University-students with brilliant soft skills through unique Public Speaking Workshops, Personality Management Sessions, Technical Skill Workshops and Language Clinics. Owns a legend of up-bringing hundreds of excellent orators and debaters who won national debates and elocutions year after year.

For Professional Accomplishment

Organised more than 500 brilliant youth conferences, discussions, debates, study circles, workshops and trainings in last nineteen years.

For Quest of Excellence

Generated a divine and capable team of more than 500 committed trainers and mentors among VSM alumni, who support the youth empowerment process on regular basis besides their professional obligations across the country and abroad.

For Selfless Service

Current Events

Public Speaking Workshop

Unleashing the power of voice is important to express the inner thoughts. At various junctures of life, the voice is required to establish powerful, influential, motivational communication. ...As a consequence of effective voice communication, an individual gains confidence and possesses immense opportunities.In order to strengthen this skill of the youth, a four days pubic speaking workshop was organized in Pantnagar University. The 15 hour workshop spanned across April 2-5, 2019 was conducted with selected 50 students and it included the significance and essence of public speaking, fundamentals of verbal and non-verbal communication, and rigorous practice sessions. The workshop was mentored by Prof. S.K. Kashyap, HOD Agricultural Communication, Pantnagar University and Mr. Pranav Kumar, Manager Innovent, Tata Steel and Gold Medallist of IIM Raipur. The participant feedback was extremely positive with their enthused spirit to participate and represent themselves confidently at public speaking platforms. For more glimpses, click here

भारतीय नव वर्ष उत्सव

भारतीय संस्कृति में काल अथवा समय की गणना सूक्ष्म रूप से प्रसारित है। हज़ारों वर्षो पहले से ही भारत में समय की अनेक सुक्ष्म इकाई विकसित की गई और उनके अनुरूप तिथि पत्रक बनाये गए। ...सामाजिक, प्राकृतिक, आर्थिक, एवं अन्य महत्वपूर्ण मापदंडो को समक्ष रख भारत में तिथि पत्रक में परिवर्तन हुए और आज के परिवेश में भारत में विक्रम संवत नमक समय गणना प्रणाली का पालन हो रहा है। इसके अनुसार भारतीय नववर्ष चैत्र मास के प्रथम दिन से प्रारंभ होता है। अतः भारतीय नववर्ष चैत्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा, युगाब्द 5121, विक्रम संवत 2076 तदनुसार 6 अप्रैल 2019 को मनाया गया। इस अवसर पर पंतनगर विश्वविद्यालय में एक उत्सव आयोजित किया गया। उत्सव के अंतर्गत डॉ. शिवेंद्र कश्यप, प्राध्यापक कृषि संचार विभाग, पंतनगर विश्वविद्यालय ने युवाओं को संबोधित किया (वीडियो देखें https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC1C193XZc8) और साथ ही युवाओं को भारतीय काल गणना से अवगत कराने हेतु अनेक प्रतियोगिताऐं भी आयोजित करायी गई। अधिक झलकियों के लिए, यहाँ क्लिक करें।

Vocabulary Workshop

The larger your vocabulary, the better is your expression. The command over any language strengthens with increasing understanding of word formation and hence expansion of vocabulary. ...Thus, empowering the youth with the skill of vocabulary building, a one day workshop was organized in Pantnagar University on April 7, 2019. The workshop was mentored by Mr. Amit Chaturvedi, a freelance corporate trainer and verbal instructor (certified by University of Cambridge). The workshop was a great learning with hundreds of new words, idioms, metaphors, and phrases added to the active vocabulary of the participants. The jam-packed hall depicted the enthusiasm and learning spirit of the youth. The participants were extremely amazed by the various means and methods by which one can enhance its vocabulary. They heartily appreciated the coaching pedagogy of the workshop mentor as well. For more glimpses, click here

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